Monday, 29 November 2010


I'm sorry about the title, but I'm afraid it's as polite as I could make it today as I'm absolutely livid!

We finally received a letter about my son's DLA and he has been put on the lowest possible rates. The reasons for this are that their judgement is full of lies about him, downgrading his problems. I won't go into detail about too much but (for instance) he is apparently not at risk of self harming even though he barely has an inch of his body not covered in scars. It's complete and utter bullshit. I've phoned up, and despite having been told a few times that I could speak for him apparently everything I was told previously was (surprise surprise) bullshit. Now there are more hoops to jump through before we can even appeal the decision and it could take months. During that time I'm still not entitled to any benefits. As I said, bullshit.

Second was that I finally got a letter from the Pathways Manager that I saw at the carers day. In her defence the letter appears to have been in the post a while (dated 27/10) but there are a few points. Firstly she specifically promised me a personal meeting rather than a letter, and then there's the content of the letter. Basically she's contacted the local unit and they've just looked at their files without actually checking anything. They say he's seeing a psychologist weekly (at the time the letter was sent he hadn't seen her for 6/7 weeks due to her having an operation) and also that he's attending somewhere else weekly; somewhere that he hadn't been able to go to for over two months. Bullshit. Absolute complete and utter bullshit, and a complete dereliction of their duty of care. The letter also says he's having regular appointments with a psychiatrist – personally I don't feel that having one appointment this year is in any way regular. I've been on the phone to her PA and by chance she's in our town tomorrow so we have an appointment; I feel she won't thank her PA for booking that one!

To be honest I'm absolutely sick of this. The way we've been treated is an absolute disgrace. I honestly feel they rely on you being worn down and giving up, but there is absolutely no way that is going to happen. If needs be I'm quite willing to go back to see my MP, GP, and even my solicitor as this is just not on. It's been incredibly stressful for me, and something that I know my son simply couldn't deal with. In fact just the worry of the letter from the DLA and the lack of money has made him quite anxious over the weekend because whilst he knows he needs help with things he at least doesn't want to be a financial 'burden' as well.




  1. Makes for sad reading this but thanks for sharing. Things just don't work, do they?

  2. @ Mongo.

    I couldn't possibly disagree.


    @ Laura.

    I keep repeating it but my son is lucky that he doesn't have to do the fighting to get the care etc he deserves as he has me to do it, but so many have no one.

    I honestly believe that the ridiculous state of care in this country is costing lives and will cost more. If society is truly judged by how the weakest are treated then this society fails completely and utterly and the lying spin from the government about benefit recipients is making the situation far worse.

    The system isn't about caring anymore, but getting away with doing as little as possible.


  3. I wouldn't wait, I'd contact your MP, GP, Solicitor now! Sadly unless you are on their case all the time no one will ever really listen to the needs of your son and you will be just a case number. Especially with mental health, always made harder to assess and I'd imagine that a certain percentage will be refused or only given the lowest rate in the first place, hoping that people will just give up or don't have the means to appeal. Its a disgrace and just completely draining to have to deal with this system!

    Take care xx

  4. I have been trying to get mom on Medicad for over 3 yrs. They keep saying she has to many resources. I just can't find them. We used to be lucky if we had $24 left in the bank at the end of the month . It is better now . She is on Hospice . They pay for all her needs. If you can say her being on Hospice is a good thing. I say Bullshit is a good word .

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Gunnercesc.

    I need to do a follow up to this as I've had the meeting now - as I'll explain it went rather well in the end.


    Hi Karen.

    Sadly it's the same in the UK. You have to fight every step of the way and the point I keep coming back to is that many of the people that need the most help have no one to fight for them. That really frightens me.

